Best sticker pack for ð
Christmas 2018ð
Emoji Sticker. Enjoy Merry Christmas 2018 Emoji Keyboard Sticker. Merry Christmas 2018 Emoji Keyboard Sticker speak louder than words! Christmas 2018 Emoji Keyboard Sticker for facebook , whatsapp , Messages is here! Flip off your friends with these funny Christmas Day Emoji Keyboard Stickers.Â
To use this Christmas Day Emoji Keyboard sticker, please install Emoji Keyboard from
first. More cool themes and features are awaiting you there!
The Best Keyboard for Android you've been praying for is here! Emoji Keyboard Cute Emoticons makes you type 3000+ funny GIF, emoji, emoticons, emoji art in a flash. Easy to share fancy stickers and smiley text faces anywhere via SMS, Email and any social apps like Facebook, Whatsapp,etc. With cool keyboard themes & keyboard customization, finally you can text the way youâve always wanted to with Emoji Keyboard Cute Emoticons!
Keyboard Key Features
âš Fast Input 3000+ Emoji, Emoticons, Free GIF, Symbol, Sticker
- Text faces including ( ͥ° ÍĘ ÍĄÂ°), (ĘâŋĘ)
- Massive emoji and symbols
- Smart emoji prediction for typing
- Emoji art, Emoji icons,Emoji collection and Emoji dictionary
- Fast input emoji from keyboard in all social apps
- Send funny animated GIFs & stickers straight from gif keyboard
âš Perfect Keyboard Customization
- Customizable key press sound in keyboard
- Resize and split keyboard layout as you wish
- Customizable keyboard color, font and wallpaper
- Take photo as keyboard background or choose from gallery
- QWERTY, QWERTZ and AZERTY keyboards
âš Stunning Keyboard Themes
- Over 1000 colorful keyboard themes
- Continue to increase
âš Fast Typing & Smart Input
- Fast input from Top row emoji & number in keyboard
- Type faster with smart Auto correction & Next Word Suggestion
- Swipe to type. Gesture Typing with dynamic floating effect
- Multilingual keyboard with 65 languages
âš Other Advanced Features
- Keyboard Android 6.0 Material UI Style
- Always display capital letter when typing
- Copy, cut, paste direct from keyboard
- Bottom row arrow key in keyboard
- Clipboard for multiple fast copy and paste in keyboard
âš Keyboard Data Collection Warning
You may receive a warning when activating saying âThis keyboard may collect your personal data.â We take your privacy seriously. This Keyboard does not collect your private data including password or credit card info. The warning message when you enable is a standard message in Android for ANY third-party keyboard.
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âš supports 65 Languages
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